We are experienced in contentious and non-contentious insolvency matters, providing sound legal advice on a timely basis. We have represented Controllers, Provisional Liquidators, and Liquidators in the winding-up of several companies and Off-shore Banks in Grenada, since 2001.
In conjunction with international law firms, we continue to advise and represent our clients in multi-jurisdictional insolvency proceedings. The Firm also provides legal opinions on unique local law issues related to winding up proceedings in Grenada and a wide variety of insolvency related matters.
We offer legal representation before the High Court and the Appellate Court on behalf of Banks, Financial Institutions, and Liquidators involving applications for directions, vesting, e-communication, reciprocal enforcement, release, discharge, and dissolution orders.
Recent Assignments Include:
- Advising and Acting for Joint Liquidators on multiple Court applications for their release and discharge and for dissolution of a group of companies in liquidation.
- Advising an international accounting firm on compulsory winding up procedures under the laws of Grenada
- Advising a Liquidator on the handling of unclaimed funds.
Sephorah Khan
Leslie-Ann Seon
Founder, Principal